If you’ve been wondering about the best fresh vegetables to feed your bunny, perhaps radishes have crossed your mind. But can rabbits eat radishes?
The short answer is — in moderation, yes! Radishes are cruciferous vegetables that come with a variety of health benefits for your pet bunny.

No matter the breed, rabbits appear to love chomping down on this crunchy veggie. Wild rabbits will have no trouble digging through your garden to eat radishes, and even the best indoor rabbit breeds love them!
However, as a rabbit owner, there are certain things you should be aware of when feeding your bunny radishes. This post will cover the various health benefits of radishes for rabbits, the correct quantity you should provide them, and some harmful side effects you should be aware of.
So, if you’re all ears, let’s hop straight into it.
What parts of radishes can rabbits eat?
Radishes are root vegetables from the Brassica family (as are broccoli and kale) with a spicey, peppery taste. They are usually round or oblong in shape and come in a variety of colors, such as pink, white, red, and black. Radishes are composed of leaves attached to a bulb.
Rabbits can consume all parts of the radish, including the peel, although certain parts of the veggie are healthier for bunnies than others.
Radish bulbs
Radish bulbs, also known as radish globes, are high in water and fiber and contain various healthy nutrients and minerals for your bunny. This includes potassium, magnesium, zinc, and calcium.

However, radish bulbs are relatively high in carbohydrates. They contain riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin, which are all proteins with high starch content. Therefore, you should feed radish bulbs to your bunny as an occasional tasty treat and in small quantities.
Radish leaves
Radish leaves, also known as radish greens or radish tops, are rich in magnesium and vitamins A and K. This makes them a healthy component to add to a rabbit’s diet. The leaves are more nutritious for rabbits than the bulbs.

However, radish leaves are high in oxalic acid and should be fed to your bunny in moderation.
You can add a handful of radish greens to your bunny’s daily salad. However, the bulk of the veggies should consist of low-oxalate leafy greens such as bok choy, carrot tops, and romaine lettuce.
Health risks of overfeeding radishes to rabbits
Radishes are root vegetables that are high in starch. Too much starch in a bunny’s diet can cause GI stasis, weight gain, indigestion, gas, and diarrhea. A rabbit’s stomach and gut are very sensitive, so these issues can be fatal for bunnies.
Radishes also contain a very high amount of calcium. For rabbits, this is not necessarily a good thing. Although calcium is essential to a rabbit’s diet, bunnies need much less of this mineral than we think. Too much calcium can contribute to kidney stones and urinary tract problems in your rabbit.
Although radish greens are both delicious and nutritious (in moderate quantities), they contain high levels of oxalic acid. Too much oxalic acid can actually prevent other vital nutrients from being absorbed in rabbits’ systems.
Can baby rabbits eat radishes?
No, baby rabbits (or kits) cannot eat radishes. Only adult rabbits can. More specifically, kits younger than 12 weeks of age should not eat radishes. At this time, a rabbit’s digestive system isn’t adequately developed and is extremely sensitive to the high levels of starch found in the vegetable.
Even though baby bunnies start to nibble solid foods at two to three weeks, this doesn’t mean they are ready to be weaned from their mother’s milk.
If you’re unsure whether your young rabbit is ready to eat radishes, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian specializing in rabbits or small animals first.
Fun Read: When do baby rabbits open their eyes?
How many radishes should I feed my rabbit?
Even though our beloved bunnies will probably devour these delicious-tasting radishes, it’s important to monitor just how much radish they consume.

If radishes are a new food to your bunny, you should cut the bulb into bite-size chunks the size of cherry tomatoes. This way, you can carefully observe how much your rabbit is eating. Start by feeding your rabbit a small part of the radish bulb, and then wait a little while. This way, you can see signs of digestive distress if they react negatively.
If your rabbit doesn’t appear to display any signs of digestive discomfort due to the small radish pieces, you can occasionally feed them one or two bulbs. This translates to one ounce (25 mg) of radish bulb two or three times a week.
You can feed radish leaves to your bunny in their recommended daily cup of salad. With regards to the number of radish leaves, stick to the average portion size, which is a small handful.
If you are feeding your bunny radish greens, ensure you don’t mix in other greens high in oxalic acid, such as spinach or parsley.
What types of radishes can I feed my rabbit?
Even though radishes come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, the good news is that all types of radishes are safe for rabbits (in moderation, of course). Some common radishes include red radishes, Daikon radishes, and watermelon radishes.
Please note that your furry friend should only eat fresh, raw radishes. Don’t feed your bunny cooked or pickled radishes, or even leftover ones from a salad, as some salad dressings can be toxic to bunnies.
It’s also a good idea to wash the fresh radishes beforehand, as you never know what pesticides or chemicals have been sprayed on them that could potentially harm your bunny.

Wrapping up: Can rabbits eat radishes?
Feeding your rabbit radishes can be healthy, safe, and suitable if done in moderation, and it’s a good idea to incorporate radishes as part of a balanced diet for your bun-bun. Radishes, along with a variety of other vegetables, fresh hay, and pellets, are all part of a nutritious and varied eating plan for your pet rabbits.
Rabbits can eat radish greens on a daily basis as part of their recommended everyday green leafy salad if balanced with other healthy vegetables. The radish bulbs, on the other hand, should only be fed as a treat once or twice a week due to their high starch content. Overall, rabbits should not be fed large quantities of radishes.
Now that you’ve got the ins and outs of radishes, how about finding out if rabbits can have mango?
Steph Dyson is a travel journalist by trade but a lover of all small pets. She’s been a pet mum to everything from gerbils to guinea pigs, rabbits to hamsters, and fish to dogs of all shapes and sizes. She wants to share her years of experience with small pets and make Small Pet Guides the go-to website for pet owners seeking information and care advice.