On the hunt to adopt a new furry family member? You’ve come to the right place. This post covers the best breed of rabbit for first-time owners. Whether you’re looking for long-haired buns, teeny-weeny dwarfs, or floppy-eared hoppers, you will find one just right for your home. These breeds are compatible with humans and other …
Rabbit care
Let’s say your pet rabbit has given birth to mini bundles of joy, or you’ve just rescued newborn rabbits. Perhaps you’re simply curious. Whatever your reason, you’re now wondering: when do baby rabbits open their eyes? Teeny baby buns are the most adorable ever. And you might wish you could hold and nurture them — …
So you’re relaxing on the couch, tuned in on your favorite series, with a bowl of grapes. And suddenly, your bunny hops towards you (or actually, your grapes), nose wiggling with excitement. Could it be that your rabbit wants to join in on snack time? But then, you start to think: can rabbits have grapes? …
If you’re a new pet bunny owner, you probably wonder, “How many times a day should I feed my rabbit?” Stress no more. This handy guide will take you through everything you need to know. Your adorable little fur ball has quite the simple diet — fresh hay, water, grass, leafy veggies, pellets, and the …
Whether you’re a new small pet owner or a veteran, proper rabbit care is essential to ensure your bundle of fluff thrives. A nutritious diet with all the necessary components is one of the critical factors for maintaining a rabbit’s digestive system and allowing them to live a healthy life. From fiber to vital minerals …
“What kind of fresh fruit can I give my pet bunny?” This is a question that’s been plaguing rabbit owners for decades. That’s why this guide aims to answer just that — only this time, the focus is on kiwis. Since indoor rabbits are a popular choice for fuzzy family members, many new pet owners …
If you’re the proud parent of a fuzzy bunny, you’ll understand the overpowering urge to spoil your precious baby with a little treat. You might have seen on TV that sometimes people like to give their bunnies a little milky treat, but can rabbits even drink milk in the first place? As a good fur-parent, …
You might have heard somewhere through the grapevine that lettuce leaves are the perfect leafy greens for a fluffy rabbit. That said, did you know that not all kinds of lettuce variants are fit for your bunny’s diet and some can even cause health problems in large amounts? Even those that are okey, like romaine lettuce, …
Cats claw curtains. Dogs chew up your furniture (not to mention your expensive shoes). And bunnies? Well, they bite your clothes. And sometimes rabbits chew on cardboard, too, but more on that another time. You might think this is odd behavior coming from domestic rabbits, which are considered to be pretty social creatures. Surely they …
Rabbits, the fun-loving, fuzzy companions, are always a source of joy that many owners can attest to. You undoubtedly want what is best for them, especially their comfort and safety. Many of the best indoor rabbits (and outdoor rabbits, actually) are accustomed to sleeping in enclosures, but choosing the best set-up for the cage is …