If you’ve been wondering about the best fresh vegetables to feed your bunny, perhaps radishes have crossed your mind. But can rabbits eat radishes? The short answer is — in moderation, yes! Radishes are cruciferous vegetables that come with a variety of health benefits for your pet bunny. No matter the breed, rabbits appear to …
For humans, bread seems like the most basic of foods. Nearly every culture on the planet enjoys some sort of bread in one form or another. When humans started adopting pets, it seemed natural to feed them the same things humans were eating. While we know feeding cooked food to your bun-bun isn’t a great …
So you want to start introducing more fruity snacks into your rabbit’s diet, but you’re wondering if you’re allowed to feed them papaya? Fret not; this post will cover everything you need to know before you provide your furry friend with fresh papaya. Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit that we add to our smoothies …
Sweet potatoes are delicious for humans. They are a good source of dietary fiber and are considered a generally healthy food. But can rabbits eat sweet potato, and should they? The answer might surprise you. Sweet potatoes (not to be confused with yams) are a popular root vegetable high in vitamin A. Some insist that …
Thinking of adopting a new pet rabbit? How about getting yourself the cutest, fluffiest little fuzzball? These are some of the most popular long-haired bunnies that’ll make you swoon! The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes 50 distinct bunny breeds, but we’ll focus on the hairy bunch for now. From playful Angora breeds to cuddly …
You’ve just adopted a new baby bunny, but you’re worried about predators. How do you protect your precious bunny rabbit from ferocious attacks? Start by learning what animals eat rabbits so you know what critters to watch out for. Bunnies are small mammals that are easy targets for larger species. Unlike wild rabbits, your indoor …
Rabbits are adorable little creatures that happen to never get full. You heard that right. These furry animals can munch away all day, which is why they’re classified as grazers. Knowing this, introducing new foods to their diet would be a great option — allowing you to offer them a wide array of veggies and …
It’s no secret that small pet owners love feeding their bunnies the occasional treat. However, doing so correctly can be challenging if you don’t know what your bun can and can’t eat. If you’re in this camp of rabbit owners, you’re probably itching to find out as much as possible about suitable snacks. Hoppers have …
Have you just adopted your pet rabbit and are now wondering how much it’ll cost to neuter them? Well, that’s why you’re here. This guide aims to provide an in-depth review of this topic. All indoor rabbit owners know about the inevitable visit to the neuter clinic with their beloved fur ball. However, these procedures …
There is one thing all rabbit owners can agree on: you want your tiny fluffy roommates to be as healthy as possible. Before you run off to the vet and rack up medical bills, knowing what to look out for would benefit you and your pet. And as with humans, urine can be quite a …