Is anything cuter than having a hopping furry friend in your home? Nope, there isn’t. As a rabbit owner, there is no doubt you want what is best for your pet rabbit, especially regarding a balanced diet and entertainment. Indoor rabbits often look for things to nibble on, whether as a little snack or to have …
Rabbit facts
Whether you’re thinking of adopting or have just adopted a pet rabbit, you’re likely curious about their sleeping habits. You’ve landed in the right place if you’ve never seen a sleeping bunny, as this guide covers everything there is to know for rabbit owners — from when rabbits sleep to how many times they nap. …
Go big or go home, right? Well, the Flemish Giant is the largest creature known to rabbit kind and is the biggest of all giant rabbit breeds. It is the animal for you if you’re looking for a pet rabbit that bounces like a bunny but takes food off the kitchen table like a puppy. …
If you’re a new rabbit owner or you’ve visited friends who own them, you might have wondered, “why is there chocolate cereal on the floor?” Sadly, they’re not your favorite childhood breakfast. Instead, these are bunny poops. This post will cover everything you need to know about your pet rabbit’s droppings, from different kinds to …
The Flemish Giant rabbit is one enormous bun, as their name suggests. They stand 2.5 feet (76.2 cm) tall and, at maximum weight, can be 12 – 20 pounds (5.4 – 9 kg), making them officially the largest rabbit breed in the rabbit world. In comparison to tiny and medium-sized dogs, they are about the …
Selecting the ideal rabbit breed can be difficult because rabbits have many different types, sizes, colors, and personalities. If you’re considering adopting a rabbit, we have all the information you need to help you select the ideal furry friend. When you see a rabbit, you know it. Although there may be differences in color, size, …